Saturday, May 26, 2007

How is your child doing in Math?

How is your child doing in Math?

If your child is typical, everyday he or she is losing ground to students all over the world who preparing themselves for success in the future, which includes, like it nor not, a lot of math.

In December 2004, the Wall Street Journal reported that American kids are sitting on “Economic Timebomb” because they not learning enough math to be the good problem solvers the new millennium demands.

Whether your child needs to catch up or needs to be challenged at a higher level, Mathnasium has the program for you. The Mathnasium Method is an approach to teaching that makes it possible for students of all ability levels to learn math.

We help kids catch up, keep up, and get ahead. Amazing things can happen in 6 to 12 of high energy, focused instruction.

Our core program is for students in grades 2 through Algebra 1. We also offer Higher Math and Early Childhood programs.

Give us a call at 877–531–MATH and find out how we can help improve your child’s math skills. Check us out on the web at and discover the Mathnasium Difference.

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